How can you make your kids enjoy eating healthy foods
Each adult in the family can help the child to love healthy eating. We will try to give

7 food preservatives you should avoid
Bread, margarine, juice, wine all these are foods that we often eat. And did you know that these

Natural sweeteners suitable for diabetics
Many years ago refined sugar was called “white death”, and its excessive consumption posed health risks. Fortunately for

7 health benefits of Rye
Gaining great popularity in present day because of its high nutritional value – rye (Secale cereale), is a

8 foods that destroy our intelligence
When it comes to food, we must remember that there are all kinds of foods, some super-foods are

Which olive oil to pick and how to use it?
Olive oil is one of the healthiest and low-in-calories fat! Since ancient times the olive tree has evoked

Going raw- what you need to know about switching to raw food diet!
You deserve to look and feel good! Therefore, we will assist you on your path to becoming a

The magical health benefits of honey
Honey is a sweet fluid produced by honey bees from the bee pollen through a process of regurgitation

Kombucha- a mushroom tea with a taste of cider and a power to heal!
Kombucha is a fermented “live” beverage which by taste and consistency reminds of an interesting combination between a

Dirty dozen and Clean fifteen: Store-bought fruit and veggies you must and mustn’t avoid
Simulation created by EWG (environmental working group) carried out among thousands of consumers eating high- and low-pesticide diet

Food facts: Toxic or Harmless? Both!
How come caster is known for being poisonous, however, castor oil has been used as an eyelash nourishing

Chocolate mess: Things you never knew about chocolate and its production
Although every chocolate lover claim to have vast knowledge of chocolate, people often confuse the chocolate terms such

5 superfoods for a healthy thyroid!
One of the best ways to take care of your thyroid is to fuel your body with nutrients

Essential oils- your guide to storage, dosage and usage!
Essential oils are a concentrated liquid containing aroma compounds from plants. It is “essential” in the sense that

Free radicals and Antioxidants explained…
Free radicals and antioxidants are two commonly used terms. However, few of us seem to know what they

Let’s be clear on SPF…
In today’s post, we would like to clear the water around SPF and the levels of protection you

Four myths about healthy eating
Below we have listed the 4 most common myths about food and eating habits which in our strive

How to make healthy milk from nuts and seeds
Store-bought nut milks such as rice, soy or almond milk aren’t raw which means they have undergone processes

10 most beneficial foods for women’s health
Today’s society has a high demand for women’s looks. Certain stereotypes for beauty have been forced on the

A miracle called Chia seed
Chia is an edible seed coming from the desert plant Salvia Hispanica. It is grown in Mexico and

Stress Relief and Prevention
Stress experts recommend setting aside at lest 15-20min a day to focus on caring for your self. Just

Juicing is for Everyone
Don’t be fooled into thinking juicing is only for the 100 pound mega trim hotty! At CIC, all

Dream Big! Miracles Can Happen!
We need to welcome each new day expecting magnificent things to happen. Each and everyone of us have

The Dachnik Movement
Over 100 years ago, the Dachnik Movement was started in Russia. Dachnik basically means gardener. In Russia, the

Forest Therapy
Emerging from the cold winter leaves us all craving the outdoors. I remember as a child living across

The Freaking Out Controller
Do you ever lose it and regret it later? The ability to keep our cool when the

Razor Sharp Discipline
I think of where I would be this very moment if I had already fine tuned the skill

Friends Don’t Let Friends Pack On The Pounds
Why is it that if we kick it in, trim on down and look fantastic, people start the

Five Tips to Relaxation
Pause for perspective several times a day. Find a quiet place, shut your eyes and take several deep

Mediocrity: Ordinariness as a consequence of being average and not outstanding. A person of second rate ability or