My name is Kimberly Randiev, I am the owner of Chicago Internal Cleansing. For those of you I have not yet had the pleasure to meet, I look forward to doing so. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with and inspire so many incredible clients over the past decade, and I look forward to having the opportunity work with you. I have received numerous requests to offer weekly support and motivational classes at Chicago Internal Cleansing! For that purpose, I am excited to present to you: Polish To Perfection, a 4 week series of hands on, in depth training, support and motivation to bring individuals to a level of perfection in life they have never thought possible. Each week we will focus on a key component to good health, over the span of one month.
- You will receive 4 two-hour Motivational / Training sessions including lectures, demonstrations, educational tours, interactive learning plus printed materials.
- You will participate in a month long guided cleansing process to eliminate the old external and internal toxicity, and allow your full potential to emerge.
- You will have accelerated growth due to a strong, motivated team environment of like-minded individuals.
- You will develop an in depth understanding of how destructive both external and internal garbage can be.
- We will pay close attention to the minute details it takes to polish ourselves to perfection.
- You will be served light, healthy snacks and beverages.
- You will receive one Colonic and Oxygen Steam Sauna Internal Cleansing treatment.

We look so forward to meeting you! We shall succeed together!!
We all deserve the opportunity to shine at our brightest. It is my passion in life to help others bring to the surface the very best version of themselves. I invite you to join me and as a team, once and for all, you will polish yourself to perfection and accomplish besting yourself!