Going raw- what you need to know about switching to raw food diet!

Going raw- what you need to know about switching to raw food diet!

You deserve to look and feel good! Therefore, we will assist you on your path to becoming a better you with the help of our following article!

Raw food- fresh fruit and vegetables (preferably organic), sprouts, seeds, nuts, legumes, dried fruits, seaweeds, spices, natural sweeteners is unprocessed food that has not been subjected to heat treatment and often even called “living food.” Health benefits of having raw-products diet are based on the belief that high-enzyme food is excellent prerequisite for optimal health. Enzymes help digestion, and raw food contains plenty of them. After being subjected to heat treatment (above 118 º F), naturally occurring enzymes are destroyed, the body needs to produce new enzymes to digest the food. It is believed that this puts too much pressure on the body, which must simultaneously produce the necessary enzymes to digest food. Heat treatment reduces the nutritional value and “life force” of food. Some experts in the raw eating even believe that cooking makes it makes food toxic. According to them raw food diet can save you from headaches and allergies, increase immunity and improve memory and states of arthritis and diabetes.
What is more, raw food diet aids weight loss as many raw foods are low in calories, fat and sodium and high in fiber. Other reasons to turn to raw-effects include anti-aging, increase physical endurance and other health benefits.

If you want to take the serious step of “going raw”, here few advices for you to follow:

As a first step, we advise you to seek insight into the raw diet (look for informaiton online or get books on the subject. Also, due to the risk of food poisoning, raw food diet is not recommended for pregnant women, young children, the elderly, people with weak immune systems and those with chronic diseases (kidney). To make sure that the raw diet meets your nutritional needs and is suitable for your health condition, consult with a nutritionist. In raw diet should make sure that you get enough protein, iron, calcium and other vitamins and minerals (B12), and may need to take nutritional supplements to make up for any deficiencies in your diet.

bagfactory_zps26e66308Preparation and storage of raw food:

Raw foods are more prone to deterioration and do not have as long shelf life as processed foods. Eat them quickly and re-stock often. It is very convenient if you grow domestic production (if you have a garden, terrace or sunny window) and consume immediately after harvest. Products such as shelled nuts, seeds, dried fruit, carob, coconut, grains can be stored in the fridge for optimal long preservation of the health benefits.

You can eat uncooked, unprocessed, mostly organic foods, raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. The food may be cold or even slightly warmed (about 118 º F). You can use blenders, food processors, dehydrators to prepare a number of culinary experiments.

Foods you can consume:

Remember that raw food can be very tasty and significant part of your well-balanced diet of nutrients for optimal health and ideal weight. We have listed a large variety of foods that you can consume unprocessed, preferably organic and wholegrain:

Fruits and vegetables – make sure that they are organic and fresh. In your refrigerator you must always have a wide variety of green leafy vegetables, root vegetables and fresh herbs. beansproutsNuts and seeds – keep available a few jars with sprouting seeds in the fridge and a jar of soaked almonds (change the water every day for 5 days). Oils from seeds and nuts are also important for your raw food diet.
Beans, grains and legumes.
Dried fruits such as dates, raisins, cranberries, goji, pineapple, coconut, apricot, mango, apples, etc. Dates are an excellent sweetener for your raw desserts.
Fresh and dried herbs and spices to add different flavors to your food.
Salts – add mineral nutrients to your diet.
Oils – choose natural virgin olive oil and sunflower oil, flaxseed oil, hemp oil.
Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is considered to be most appropriate, as it is high in malic acid that helps digest proteins.
Algae – ensure a wide range of minerals and lignans (with anticancer properties) in your diet. Look Hijikata, Dulse, Nori and Wakame.
Coconut milk
Cocoa and carob – select both products from quality organic sources and store them in an airtight container for longer lasting freshness of the products.
Raw pates
• Some Raw foodists consume unpasteurized milk and dairy foods, raw eggs, meat and fish.

How to encorporate raw into your diet?

Introduce raw foods to your diet slowly and gradually. Makr sure you eat variety of foods and make a list of products, herbs, nuts and seeds from A to Z that you would like to include in your raw food diet. Highlight on the seasonal produce and strive to include the greatest diversity possible.

Start with fresh fruit for breakfast or try fresh fruit smoothie (except dairy products). Make the transition to fresh, raw plant foods in the remaining daily meals each week as you increase the number of raw foods in your meals. For lunch and dinner, prepare a large salad by adding nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds and grains. Consume raw plant-based pates, fresh herbs, etc. Hummus is a great addition to many dishes. The right choice of herbs and spices will help you transform your salad in a delicious and full main course. Use different techniques for the preparation of a variety of food, adding sprouted seeds, grains and beans, drained juice from fruits and vegetables, soaked nuts and dried fruit. Take advantage of the wide variety of recipes for homemade raw desserts.

Optimal health requires a complex of harmonic practices. Besides a healthy diet, the process of staying and being healthy includes adequate exercise, relaxation techniques to reduce stress, positive thinking and satisfaction with your present.

Do your research and take the next step to a healthier, younger and better you!